FAQ: Offices

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In Sweden, players need 10,000 CV to be able to build an office.

Offices need to be placed in downtown zones (gray on the zone map). They generate iKr based on the hourly rates for their services offered. This money is paid out daily at 23:50. You may change which services are being offered by your offices by clicking on the offices link in your left menu and then choosing the office you wish to change services for. You should change office services daily to receive the most from them.

Office in the US version work very differently.

  • Players may build offices from day 0, no more waiting for 10,000cv.
  • US offices now payout when the current job is complete; not at 23:50.
  • Players no longer need to switch services everyday, but instead must bid on jobs created by actual game events.

For more information about offices please see 4.3 Offices.

Tycoon Online FAQ